Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, February 12, 2010

Abortion may become ‘option-only’ in Kansas health plans

Good for Kansas! Maybe Kathleen Sibelius going to Washington and getting out of KS helped them.
February 12, 2010 by Kathy Ostrowski ;Kansans for Life Blog

Today, the Kansas House Insurance committee heard testimony on a bill, HB 2564, to remove abortion from standard inclusion in all health care policies, except when necessary to preserve the life of the mother or in the case of rape or incest involving a minor and reported to a law enforcement agency.

Abortion coverage would still be available for purchase through optional riders. Blue Cross in Kansas already covers abortion through riders. Since 1978, seven other states (ID, KY, MO, OK,ND, RI, WI) have excluded abortion from standard health care policies.

Abortion destroys unborn children and harms women and the public does not believe that abortion should be paid for in health insurance.
In 2007, Kansas joined 9 other states in freeing their tax payers from paying for abortion in State employee insurance plans. However, too many private businesses in Kansas remained frustrated that they were unable to offer abortion-free policies to their staff.

Kansans for Life welcomes this legislation, affording all citizens—not just state employees– freedom from being forced to pay for other people’s elective abortions in their employee-provided, or self-insured, health care plans.

Photo: Sue Brewer/TN


Melanie Jean said...

Thank you for the info and the glimmer of hope. In New Jersey our state "Family Care" insurance covers abortions. I need to find out if this is provided in any and all circumstances or selective circumstances. Do you have any info on this? This is done in seventeen states. Like others, I do not want to pay for abortions! How ghastly! I have always been pro-life but am new to pro-life blogging and I have a lot to learn!

Susie Allen said...

I heard Judge Napolitano talking about this on the radio as he lives in New Jersey. He pointed out that even though he is single and a male he is required to purchase insurance that includes maternity benefits and abortion. This not only makes his insurance more expensive but mandates him paying for something he disagrees with...abortions.
In TN, you can carve out maternity but "therapeutic" abortions are not carved out. KS did a good thing and hopefully this will pave the way for other states.
I would contact you state right to life organization and find out if they have plans to tackle this issue. You live in a state where it will be a challenge but don't let that dissuade you. Write a letter to the editor expressing your point of view. I bet others do not realize this. Good luck and become involved. Everyone can make a difference.

Susie Allen said...

Hey Melanie, Just checked out your blog. Good work!
