Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Sunday, February 7, 2010

Planned Parenthood Uses Tebow Response to Target More Black Abortions

Published: February 06, 2010 

African American prolife leaders say Planned Parenthood's tactics are outrageous.
Responding to Planned Parenthood's not so subtle Tebow family rebuke, Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: "Planned Parenthood's response to the Tebow family's Super Bowl ad continues their founder, eugenicist Margaret Sanger's history of deception. They feature two African American athletes who are talking about 'respecting' women's choices without ever mentioning the 'A' word.
Today, an 18 year old African American male was outraged. He said: "two Black athletes supporting abortion. How is that a message for us, considering that we Black people are the biggest target for Planned Parenthood's abortions? More of our people die from abortion than any other group."
Alveda King concludes: "The Black community makes up 12% percent of America's population, yet Black women get over 30% of all abortions. Of the over 50 million babies aborted in America since 1973, about 1/3 of the dead babies are Black. Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider, puts many of their offices in Black neighborhoods.

"Once again, Planned Parenthood tries to hide the painful truth; it is running an abortion dynasty, reaping benefits from killing Black babies. Planned Parenthood knows that abortion hurts women, kills babies and targets minorities. Yet, they keep pressing their case, and they keep using their victims to support their agenda of murder. What's wrong with this picture?"
More comments from the Black Prolife Movement are available at
DR. ALVEDA C. KING: Daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Founder of King for America, Inc. Mother of six and doting grandmother. Consultant to the Africa Humanitarian Christian Fellowship. Former college professor. MA degree in Business Management. Published author of Sons of Thunder, The King Family Legacy and I Don't Want Your Man, I Want My Own. Doctorate of Laws conferred by Saint Anslem College. Served on the boards and committees of Coalition of African American Pastors, and the Judeo-Christian Coalition for Constitutional Restoration. Served in the Georgia State House of Representatives. Accomplished actress and songwriter. She is a voice for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, speaking about her regret for her abortion. During the years of the Civil Rights Movement, led by her Uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Alveda's family home was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama. "Daddy's house was bombed, then in Louisville, Kentucky his church office was bombed. I was also jailed during the open housing movement," she recalls. Alveda has continued her long-term work as a civil rights activist. Advocate for School Choice as a civil rights issue. Strong advocate for life of the unborn, faith in God not faith in government bureaucracy.

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