Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, February 8, 2010

PROUD MOM: I love my son! Abortion lobby: HATE SPEECH! HATE SPEECH!

Genius....I love it. With this 30 second ad all the pro abortion fanatics with the help of the MSM brought two and a half  million dollars worth of attention to Focus on the Family and the issue of dare I say it?  Yes I dare.....LIFE. Now I wonder how many hits Focus got to hear the rest of the story. It was wonderful. As Jim Daly, new president of Focus on the Family said they want people to know of them and their ministry. James and Shirley Dobson are resigning at the end of this month and moving on to a new season of their life. Once you click over Pam and Bob Tebow unashamedly tell the whole story and it is quite a testimony.  ( I thought something was wrong with my computer as the video played so slow....NO, it was so slow due to the number of hits!) What a story.....that they prayed for Tim by name before he was conceived. They dare to go further and say the G word.....GOD. Go to Focus for the rest of the amazing story... Back to the hysteria. How foolish they must feel today. Will Gloria Allred file suit? No, they are reduced to condemning Tim for tackling his mother in the commercial! Loving mother and son... how disgusting. Now even the MSM is laughing at the abortion industry for their hysteria. Read a good analysis of how the abortion industry truly jumped the shark in this one here.

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