Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, March 29, 2010

Suicide is painless....Grey's Anatomy features assisted suicide and makes it mainstream

Assisted suicide is legal in two states and pending in a third in the U.S. Popular television shows glamorizes it as Grey's Anatomy is set to do.

Set in Washington state a stage four lung cancer patient wants her husband to end her life with barbiturates. They need two docs to sign off. That is one of the sub plots. Popular shows like this always mainstream what used to be unthinkable. I fear this is the case here. They make it seem romantic. Suicide is never romantic. "She dies in her husband's arms under her favorite quilt....."

I once shared a stage at a church event with someone from Hospice. He was saying how they have the ability to keep someone pain free until death comes naturally. So if that is the case,why the suicide? I saw my husband die of a brain tumor. It was quick and sudden. He was in a coma and then he was gone. I pray he was not in pain. I would not want to see someone in pain but I don't think I could stand living with the guilt of assisting in someone's suicide. Since the doctors take an oath to do no harm....they should not be a part of that as well. After all, God is sovereign not us. Eliminate the pain but not the life. We are not meant to know the reason for all the whys in this life.

Someone in my family committed suicide. It was a selfish act that left so many hurt and wounded. We have forgiven him because we loved him but I am being blunt, it was a selfish act.

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