Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pelosi to me the money!

Politico ran a story about Dems being pressured by Pelosi to put up some cash to save fellow Dems and chastised those trying to hide. 

With the House Democratic majority in peril, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her lieutenants are pressing tightfisted, rank-and-file members to open their wallets in an effort to save their most vulnerable incumbents.
The list of Democrats who have come up short ranges from veterans like Rep. Jim Cooper, the prominent Tennessee Blue Dog, and Rep. Robert Brady, the Philadelphia Democratic Party boss, to younger members like Rep. Anthony Weiner, the fiery New York liberal.
This gives pro life David Hall the opportunity to point out to Tennesseans that Cooper likes  to act like a conservative back home but he jumps to Pelosi's commands and don't think she doesn't know how to crack the whip. Cooper would not hold  town hall meetings during the healthcare debate because he did not want to get hammered from his constituents and he is trying hard to keep his head down and play dead on tough decisions. But Pelosi's demands for a vote or cash are not easy to resist even for a strong principled pol much less someone who has survived by straddling the fence. His fence time may be up.

Press release from Hall chides the straddler:

"One of the first votes Jim Cooper will cast if he is sent back to Washington in 2011 is to re-elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, a position she used to ram-rod President Obama's extreme Liberal agenda through Congress," said David Hall, Cooper's challenger on the Nov. 2nd ballot. "But today I hear reports that Pelosi is leaning on Cooper to donate $125,000 to the DCCC  to help keep her in power."
"Cooper is in between a rock and a hard place," said Hall.  "Either he shows his true colors by forking over campaign funds to advance Pelosi's agenda for America, or he must acknowledge that voters of the 5th Congressional District are thinking of returning him to private life.  Personally, I think they're tired of sending someone to Washington who campaigns as a Blue-dog Democrat but votes as a Liberal," said Hall.


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