Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, September 16, 2010

TN: Desperation move....Brett Carter running as a Dem. calls for Pelosi to step down...R's laugh and D's are mad

 Carter is clearly the underdog and has to do something to gain attention but I am not sure he picked the right subject. Reading the comments, Republicans are laughing at him and saying the only way to get Pelosi to resign is to elect Republicans and take her post away....the Dems are equally as mocking of Carter for this publicity stunt. However, no one on either side believes that if elected, he would not vote for Pelosi....not to worry, his chances are slim to none.

Democratic District 6 Congressional candidate Brett Carter is asking U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to step aside for the good of Democratic candidates.


Carter, in an announcement made in Nashville on Thursday morning, said he sent a letter to Pelosi requesting her to step aside.
“I think it is incumbent on Speaker Pelosi to step aside,” Carter said.
Citing a report in the Murfreesboro Daily News Journal, where Carter was described to have an albatross around his neck in the form of Pelosi, said the divisiveness she generates hamstrings his and other Democratic candidates’ abilities to focus on the issues.
“I don’t believe my situation is unique,” Carter said.
If elected, Carter said he would not cast his vote for Nancy Pelosi to be speaker.
It is this first vote that Carter said many of the public is focused on, rather than his qualifications as a candidate.
"It is time that we show Washington and time we show America that we are prepared to lead going forward," Carter said.
In the release issued following Carter’s statement, he said Republicans are pointing at Speaker Pelosi as the “embodiment of our problems” and that Democrats can move forward with their agenda once they “take away that weapon.”
“Ultimately, I believe it is not me who should be saying this,” Carter said. “I’m going to be the kind of leader that says what needs to be said.”
Carter took no questions after the announcement, leaving for speaking engagements in Cookeville.

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