Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, October 25, 2010

POTUS: Believes in the Decalaration but what about the Creator?

 Update again 10-26-10....
Obama has since restored his use of “Creator” after several media outlets drew attention to his misstatements.
Update: OnenewsNow Story: points out that there have been three times in the last month that the POTUS misquoted the Declaration.
This is the third time in just over a month that the President of the United States has left out the word "Creator" when referring to the unalienable rights granted to Americans in the Declaration. The first incident was at an event for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. The second was at a fundraiser in New York City. The third time occurred this week in Maryland, during a speech before Democratic Senate candidate donors.

Catholic posts this piece that is really scary and thought provoking..."Obama continues his quiet war on “the Creator.”  This hasn't gotten a lot of chatter but POTUS twice misquoted the Declaration of Independence to leave out mention of Creator. 

Published  text of the second time shows that it is deliberate. "For without the Creator the creature would disappear”. The authors of the Declaration of Independence understood this." 

When questioned about this his press secretary, he answered that the POTUS believes in the declaration! This has implications on the sanctity of human life and reveals his thinking on the whole issue of life.

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