Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, May 2, 2011

Pro life states to PP: want our $$ then stop doing abortions...

States are not hesitating to flex their pro life muscle and  we are glad to see them pressing forward. Good for them. Let's keep it coming.

Looks like IN will be the first to receive a governor's signature.  While PP cries the blues, Gov Mitch Daniels reminds Hoosiers that  

"...that not only will there be non-abortion health services readily available to all of the 92 counties in Indiana, but that “We will take any actions necessary to ensure that vital medical care is, if anything, more widely available than before.”

" Daniels went on to say that he has ordered the Family and Social Services Administration to send out letters to each of the Medicaid patients notifying them of facilities in their area that provide services.  Daniels also said that any clinic that is affected by this law "can resume receiving taxpayer dollars immediately by ceasing or separating its operations that perform abortions."

So Planned Parenthood, what say you?? How important is the sacred cow of abortion to you anyway? Ball is in your court...

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