Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, March 5, 2012

NRO: Debunking HHS Mandate myths....

Cross Posted from National Review Online
March 5, 2012
Myth #1: “28 states — more than half — in the country have laws with contraception coverage mandates.”
Truth: The federal mandate actually goes much deeper. In states where there are mandates religious organizations can simply opt out by self-insuring or dropping prescription drug coverage. The federal mandate does not allow any of these alternatives, and does not protect our religious liberty.

Myth #2: “If you receive federal funding you have to comply by federal rules. You can’t have your cake and eat it too!”
Truth: The mandate forces every group health plan in America to cover these drugs whether the group gets federal funds or not. There is no opt-out. The government is making religious groups choose between offering services they believe to be immoral or closing their doors. That would have the terrible consequences of withdrawing charitable religious organizations from our country’s social safety net. Who will bear the brunt of this backwards policy? The poor, the homeless, the sick and the hungry.

Myth #3: These drugs don’t cause an abortion! Catholics should learn a little bit about biology.
Truth: Biology does not dictate theology. Reasonable people may disagree about when a pregnancy begins, but for individuals who believe that human life begins at the moment of fertilization, not implantation, these drugs destroy innocent life. More specifically, the mandate requires religious organizations to cover Plan B, the morning after pill, and Ella, the week after pill, both of which can terminate a human life after fertilization. Also, RU486, A.K.A. the abortion drug, is currently being tested, and if approved by the FDA as an emergency contraceptive would automatically be mandated as well.

Myth #4: Employees who do not share the same faith of their religious employer should not be deprived of health care because of their employer’s religious beliefs.
Truth: Religious groups believe in promoting the well-being and health of their employees and students, which is why they provide health insurance; but as part of their religious commitment, they cannot cover services that are inconsistent with their religious faith. Employees are free to purchase these services even if they are not covered under a religious employer’s plan. And employees and students at religious organizations know — when they accept a job or enroll as a student — they do so at a religious institution that takes seriously its faith commitment.

Myth #5: The federal mandate actually protects women’s health because it increases access to free birth control.
Truth: Access isn’t the issue. 9 out of 10 employer-based insurance plans already cover these services. There is no need for the government to force religious groups to provide these services against their religious convictions.

Watch the videos Becket has created to further illustrate the truth here.

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