Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, May 15, 2012

(Prolifer)ations 5-15-12

from Jill

Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • Coming Home outlines some technological and scientific advances of the 20th century – intended to make us happier, freer and more powerful – which have brought “catastrophic” consequences to society, and in particular, to women.
  • Abstinence Clearinghouse spotlights Nigeria’s celebration of International Women’s Day by teaching that abstinence is vital to the health of the nation. We could learn something from them:
    In the United States, “International Women’s Day” may be celebrated by the distribution of free contraceptives, an old-fashioned bra-burning, and a rally chorus singing Aretha Franklin’s “Respect”. We mean no disrespect to the Queen of Soul, but the women in Nigeria really know how to throw an “International Women’s Day” party.

  • Accepting Abundance points out the root cause behind the controversial breastfeeding mom on the cover of Time:
    Shockingly, Time Magazine’s May 2012 again takes issue with this idea featuring a young mother letting her three year old son stand on a stool and nurse himself from her fully exposed breast. The title challenges, “Are You Mom Enough?” The caption asks why attachment parenting drives mothers to extremes. Here’s a better question: Why is this twenty year old book [Dr. William Sears' The Baby Book] getting so much attention now?
    I think I know why. Children have actually become viewed as entitlements instead of gifts. Parenthood is now focused on adult desires, and on their image, rather than children. Parents want to appear successful, but when mothers view their children as accessories, it’s no wonder they feel imprisoned by the idea of constant attachment. It’s no wonder they go to extremes to look successful.
  • ProWomanProLife discusses a sickening article “celebrating” Mother’s Day by promoting abortion access. A woman named Linda – “married for less than a year, got pregnant and decided to have an abortion in favour of quiet mornings spent in bed, jogging or gardening” – is profiled, and mention is made of her use of contraception:
    We admire people when they do brave things. And here’s the thing. You can’t have it both ways. Many abortion-rights activists want to claim making the abortion choice is ever so brave. But that’s not what Linda is saying. She’s saying it’s routine. That many women choose abortion for many different reasons. She asks me not to bat an eye. Fine. But don’t tell me next thing that your decision to abort was courageous in its own right.
    Commenters (understandably) seem offended by the inappropriate timing of such an article.
  • Bryan Kemper posts a now-viral video about a mother’s love for her child, who was born with special needs. Tissue alert!

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