Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sacred and Holy Ground in Houston.....largest regional PP abortion mill

 LaShawn Barber , a blogger in her own right, is  guest blogging at Michelle She  writes an    article Child Killing Center ‘Sacred and Holy Ground’? that is excellent and shocking at the same time. 

So this is Sunday morning and I am ready early for church. I have just returned from two weeks in Tanzania on a mission trip. I think I am over my jet lag and love being back in my own bed and the use of my own bathroom. The people of Tanzania are still on my mind that I temporarily forgot how hardened Americans have become and how sacrilegious as well. Stuff like this used to not shock me.....Well getting back to the coverage of the opening of the largest regional PP center in Houston,  a local station did cover this event. Of course the ribbon cutting, the speeches..."this center is not about women, it is about families" kills children??? How family is that? It is not about is about our future for the aborted children......but about 1:36 there  is a strange snippet of a group of people who appear to be praying or reciting something out of open books that say...this is sacred and holy does not appear to be part of a protest group so are they actually saying that an abortion clinic is sacred and holy ground! LaShawn voices eloquently my immediate thought. Are we so barbaric in America that we are not resorting to Moloch worship.  The Tanzanians will come over here to evangelize us soon because are the  barbarians. Yes, there are still some unchurched people who still practice witchcraft and child sacrifice but are we far behind? 
I am having trouble posting the video but it can be viewed entirely at this link.

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