Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, January 17, 2011

No links to sites that are not parent friendly

Refer to the previous post about the high teen pregnancy rate in Memphis and specifically at Frayser High School....I started thinking about the program they spoke of No I wanted to know more about this program and looking at it was not surprised to see the connection to Planned Parenthood and Memphis Center for Reproductive Health. We gave documented PP's disdain for parental involvement even when statutory rape is involved in the last post. One other link they take you to is Memphis Center for Reproductive Health. Looking at some of the pages of information it caught my eye that they devote  a page to privacy rights. Not the usual disclosure  in fine print but detailed instructions on how to implement the Escape Button at the top of the page to quickly exit the page in the event someone walks into the room while you are viewing the page and then they go into detail on how to clear your history/cache files on your computer. Now my suspicious mind wonders if this is another way that they seek  to interfere with the parent /child relationship.  Studies indicate that more parent/teen involvement is the key to preventing sexual experimentation and activity.  So why work against the parent...because this is their method of operation. I remember hearing Carol Everett who used to run abortion mills in Houston tell how they work to mock parents and separate the teen from the parental influence. They want to give you sex ed, birth control devices  and when they fail we are here for the abortion. It is a formula that works well with the aid of our tax dollars.

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