Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nebraska's fetal pain law under attack early by abortion industry with emotional account...

Well, this is typical of the abortion industry. They take a sympathetic and painful experience by a couple that is traumatized by the situation and play it up for their own purposes. The headlines by this paper is of course showing their bias right up front.

" Nebraska woman speaks out against state abortion law that forced her to watch her baby die."

She was not forced against her will to hold her baby during the 15 minutes of life. She could have said, no this is too painful and they did not say ....well you must do this. They would have removed the baby from her sight. Just like when a loved one is dying. Some choose to be there with them and some say this is too painful and I will leave the room. This couple receives the dreaded news that the baby would not live but a few minutes beyond birth if it survived the birth process...but read the story. The drs. also state all the deformities and defects the baby will have but when the baby is born.....

"Through tear-blurred eyes, she looked her daughter over for physical defects......" What Deaver saw was perfection: A tiny but beautiful child. Ten toes. Ten fingers. Long eyelashes."

The traumatized couple asked the dr. about doing a late term abortion because"they decided there were things worse than death."  The dr. advised her that since she was beyond 20 weeks, the baby's heart was beating and her life was not in danger, no late term abortion would be offered in NE. You get into trouble when you speak the truth to a couple who are in trauma, but the truth remains true. What they were saying is that this is too painful for us. Did they realize what a late term abortion was and that the fetal pain abortion law, was what was preventing this procedure?? Did they really want to kill their baby early through a barbaric procedure???  What they were asking is for the dr. to end the baby's life early. I would say tell me how you would do this....the description alone would shock them. Did they really want their baby's life to be ended in this manner. What if they were required to watch the late term abortion via ultrasound?? Talk about traumatizing??
Shame on the abortion industry for their use of this couple. I would like to revisit them in a few months and they probably would say that this 15 minutes of holding their daughter was a special and sacred time for them. I know many couples who went through this same situation and they view this time as special. Here is one recent one...

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