Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Abby Johnson unbundles all the reasons to defund PP

I almost feel sorry for PP...when one of their own and someone they honored as Employee of the Year and sent to D.C.  to sit next to the pro abort Hillary Clinton at a luncheon , as they say she knows where the bodies are wonder they hate her so.  They have declared her enemy number one. Abby Johnson writes an opinion piece on Defunding Planned Parenthood. This is one of my favorite parts...

"And while Planned Parenthood says abortions make up just 3 percent of its services, I found they used an sleight of hand, unbundling family planning services so each patient shows anywhere from five to 20 "visits" per appointment (12 packs of birth control would show up as 12 individual visits). It does the opposite for abortion visits, bundling them together so each appointment shows as one visit. This skews the numbers. You have an overwhelming number of "visits" for family planning compared to abortion, even though you may have seen the same number of patients."
If  this sounds familiar this was also one of the ways that PP committed medicaid fraud and over billing and settled the case by repaying a portion of the amount over billed.

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