Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, March 11, 2011

Ottawa: PP fund raiser includes sexy entertainment to raise $$ for abstinence education??

Promo article in Centertown  News (Ottawa) tells us a fund raiser for Planned Parenthood. Pretty typical fare( "A night of sexual satire, burlesque and spoken-word poetry ...including Ménage à Trois: Three’s a Crowd Pleaser from Sexual Overtones and poetry from a PP educator and sex columnist for a site called Apartment 613")but a few things caught my eye.
"Heather Holland, executive director at Planned Parenthood Ottawa, says her organization was very keen to work with the two community groups because they all work to promote sexuality positively.
The groups address sex in a non-judgmental manner, which is important to keeping conversation about sex open, she says."
Again,  pretty standard fare but I remember the words of former PP clinic director and employee of the year, Abby Johnson when she said that PP wants to be non judgmental to the point that sex abuse of minors becomes routine and aiding  people posing as  sex traffickers   are treated like another lifestyle choice. Non judgmental on steroids....
"The money will be used for programming such as Planned Parenthood’s educational theatre troupe support services, which is run by a group of senior students who create, direct and present a play to peers about issues such as body image, pregnancy and abstinence. "
Well this is confusing given the highly sexual nature of the fund raiser....does this really promote abstinence? The other benefit reportedly  is to portray Ottawa's sexy side and when ..."people see us, they think that they can be sexy too" So which is it...non judgmental sex, promote sexiness and abstinence?? Kinda of like the eat all you want diet....doesn't work!!

So I had to go to the website of Apartment 613 to see their take on this event. They are more straightforward about this stating the proceeds supporting PP will go to " education, counseling, and information services they offer around sexual and reproductive health." Yes, that encompasses all their services and in polite speak means the A word.  That is okay because they are up front about their advocacy and this is an adult venue for sure.

I wonder why the sanitized version in the main paper inferring that the event is to raise funds for abstinence education.  Given the events of the fund raiser, it makes this deception ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

"The other benefit reportedly is to portray Ottawa's sexy side and when ..."people see us, they think that they can be sexy too" So which is it...non judgmental sex, promote sexiness and abstinence?? Kinda of like the eat all you want diet....doesn't work!!"

Okay, first off Susie, the part about Ottawa is a joke which you didn't get because you don't know Ottawa. That's okay.

Secondly, don't confuse abstinence education with abstinence-only education. Planned Parenthood is saying it's okay to be abstinent Wait until YOU are ready. That's quite different than saying "sex is for making God's children and should only be between a husband and wife". If you can wrap your head around that difference Susie, you will see that be non-judgemental about sex (and abstinence), promoting sexiness and waiting until you are ready for sex actually do work together.

Anonymous said...

Susie, they did the same thing here in TN, at a benefit dinner for one of their student programs. It featured exotic dancers from the Music City Burlesque company - and a host of booths whose erotic titles I won't mention here. This is a sex-a-holic organization who has no business teaching kids about ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

Other Anonymous, PP isn't a "sex-aholic organization". Perhaps it seems that way to you because you believe sex is for procreation only? And should only be between a husband and wife? Well, PP doesn't share this position and a good thing too as it would make it difficult for people to come to them for family planning and reproductive health services, wouldn't it?
