Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Saturday, September 18, 2010

Land: Values voters will not go to the back of the bus....

 Article in Politico shows the unity of Value's Voters and warns the Republicans that they cannot take their votes for granted if their focus on the economy is at the expense of  the social issues.  What happened in DE shows that they will not blindly follow the establishment when they ignore these issues.

Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, said if Republicans omit social issues like gay marriage and abortion from their document, it will be at their peril. Pointing to insurgent victories of socially conservative candidates like O’Donnell and Joe Miller, the Republican nominee for Alaska’s Senate seat, Land cautioned that these blows to the Republican establishment were orchestrated by socially conservative Republicans, not libertarians.
“It will be a very serious mistake — but then again, the Republican leadership is prone to making serious mistakes,” Land said. “The values voters aren’t going to the back of the bus. We’re staying right where we are. We’re not getting up and going to the back of the bus."
This clarion call was sent to more than 470,000 signers of the Manhattan Declaration, which include prominent religious leaders like Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and Richard Land.


Anonymous said...

If these so-called value voters don't take a back seat, they'll be driving the bus straight to defeat in the next elections. It may be possible for macko candidates like Odonnell to win a primary, but winning an election is another thing.

And btw, O'Donnell's values are suspect. Lying and cheating are hardly good values.

Sarah W said...

Well, Anonymous, even if all of the Tea Party upstart candidates lose to their Democratic opponents in November, we will be no worse off than we had been. Our country will be destroyed by liberal Democratic votes in the Senate and house instead of unprincipled, bought off Republicans. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you misunderstood: I'm all for Democrats in the Senate and the House Sarah. And personally, I don't think "our country will be destroyed" by them. Quite the opposite. We are seeing some improvements already.

My point was that these so-called value voters aren't helping the GOP at all by voting in these upstart conservatives, especially ones like Odonnell.
