Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, October 26, 2011

PP is angry that hospitals are doing abortions

Swedish Hospital in Seattle, Washington
 Amazing  post from  Pro Life Action League. When WA state's Swedish Hospital merged with  Catholic Providence Health & Services Swedish Hospital agreed to stop doing abortions and out source them to the local Planned Parenthood and actually help underwrite costs of the PP. 

National Organization of Woman  is angry because they are not going to do abortions anymore. PP in happy for the addition income source and underwriting but then turns around and gets angry because the hospital had no business doing abortions in the first place taking the income stream away from them in the first place. 

"Swedish should never have been doing those things [abortions] in a hospital, anyway. We have really perfected the office procedure. When you take people into a hospital, you add a level of complications and danger, unnecessarily medicalizing the procedure and typically making it more expensive."
How on earth could they have the audacity to suggest that to have an abortion in a hospital that is poised to handle any emergency is more complicated. Don't they need to operate within a certain proximity to a hospital so that they can rush their patients there when they  have a complication.

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