Big Blue Wave posts this update on the U of Calgary. It appears that free speech is just a figure of speech on this campus. One commenter to this article states, get used to it there is no debate on this subject. This isn't over but these brave students continue to fight for their fight against discrimination on the campus. The truth too offensive I guess.

CALGARY - The University of Calgary has notified eight members of the Campus Pro-Life (CPL) student group that they have been found guilty of a major violation under the Non-Academic Misconduct Policy regarding a pro-life display held last month. The verdict comes one week after the students each attended individual, closed-door hearings with an Associate Vice-Provost during which legal representatives were disallowed.
The verdict is "a formal written warning" that if the students "fail to comply with directives of Campus Security staff in the future" it will "result in more severe sanctions," said Acting Associate Vice-Provost Meghan Houghton, who was the sole decision-maker in the guilty verdict.
"We are going to challenge this verdict," stated Alanna Campbell, CPL President. "We did not break a single University bylaw or regulation and so we will defend ourselves accordingly. We will also not cease exercising our rights to free speech just because they're threatening us. I'd rather be expelled as a principled person than graduate a coward."
Last month, after having set up a pro-life display on campus for the ninth time since 2006, members of the group were notified that they were being charged with a 'Major Violation' under Section 4.10 of the University of Calgary's Non-Academic Misconduct Policy for "failure to comply with a Campus Security officer or University official in legitimate pursuit of his/her duties" when asked to turn their signs inward or leave campus.
In Houghton's decision, she referenced the university's demand that the students failed to comply with: "Signs that welcomed viewers and signs that identified your group as an anti-abortion display could remain outward facing but signs with the actual content of your display must face away from walkways. or any other areas in which persons on campus would have little choice but to look at your display."
"That's blatant content-based discrimination," said Peter Csillag, CPL Vice-President (Internal). "Why weren't abortion advocates, or Falun Gong supporters, forced to place their messages inwards when they protested on campus? You can't have debate if everyone is pointed inwards on themselves. As far as I'm concerned, this verdict against us pro-lifers is not legitimate, and it reveals U of C to be an institute of censorship and double standards-not of higher learning."
In 2006 and 2007, during the first four displays of the Genocide Awareness Project(GAP) on campus, the University defended the students' right to expression under the Charter, but in 2008 the University reversed its policy without explanation.
"This recent hearing and result is just another step in a long history of intimidation and censorship and if they think we'll step down as the result of it then they're sorely mistaken," stated Cameron Wilson, CPL Vice-President (External).
The group's pro-life display, called the Genocide Awareness Project, has been held on the University of Calgary grounds without incident nine times since 2006. The display compares abortion to past historical atrocities, such as the Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. In 2009, the University charged six students with trespassing in relation to the display, but the Crown Prosecutor stayed these charges prior to a trial scheduled for November of 2009. Since then, members of Campus Pro-Life have been threatened with Non-Academic Misconduct upon each display, but only now has the University carried out its threats, beginning with this formal warning.
"We've been informed that there are a lot of possible punishments involved, ranging from warnings to expulsion," stated Cristina Perri, CPL Secretary. "There's nothing they can do to us individually that compares to what hundreds of unborn children encounter each day in our country."
"You can't
have debate if everyone is pointed inwards on themselves."
Huh. They can't have "debate" anyway. There is no point in trying to get me to "debate" your "right" to tell me what I'm allowed to do with my own body. I'm not gonna allow it. And very likely, neither are many of the pro choice students. So get used to it: there is no debate.
Huh. They can't have "debate" anyway. There is no point in trying to get me to "debate" your "right" to tell me what I'm allowed to do with my own body. I'm not gonna allow it. And very likely, neither are many of the pro choice students. So get used to it: there is no debate.
The debate is pointless. Neither side is going to convince the other. It really comes down to a matter of personal and religious beliefs.
Actually I have to disagree with you because I have had my mind changed on this issue. An honest view of the facts did change my mind. thanks for your comments
Judging by some of the things you write Susie, I would suggest that your conversion had more to do with religious beliefs than anything else. That's not something to debate.
Actually I was a Christian when I was pro choice.
"Actually I was a Christian when I was pro choice".
That's not so unusual. 75% of Americans call themselves Christian. But only 25% of Americans believe abortion should never be allowed.
I suggested that in the end it was perhaps your religious beliefs that changed your mind on abortion. Or perhaps a personal event. I'd be surprised if it was a debate that changed it. It seems to me that if people are at the point where they are engaged in debate on the issue, they know what they believe and aren't going to be swayed by the debate. That's why I think debate is pointless.
You are close. It was an event that started the change in me...I say it changed my heart but my mind was indeed changed by the evidence. When I examined the evidence with an open mind instead of through the lens of my agenda...I had to admit the evidence was there. Actually it was listening to a debate tape of Scott Klusendorf. Then I went to his website which now is called and reading all his stuff. Then I met him and went to a training and so forth.It all worked together as they say. Seeing graphic pictures used to disgust me for those showing it. Then I stopped being angry at the people and looked at the pictures and said how can we do this? So it was heart, then mind and then feeling an urgency so to speak. BTW, I changed denominations as all of a sudden I realized I was in a pro choice church which I never realized. Not mad at them just couldn't be a part of them anymore. But I admit that my faith has deepened while before I was a regular attender and a good worker, there was something missing. But you are perceptive. It is not easy almost like switching political parties. You so identify with a group of people and all of a sudden you cannot be a part of that and you lose friends and a part of your identity but it must be done.
I appreciate your comments and civil expression on this important issue.
Your comment about "identifying with a group" touches on something that I see as a stumbling block to the pro life movement. The movement seems to be driven by and dominated by conservative Christians who, along with being anti-abortion, are also against such things as gay rights, non-traditional roles for women, single parenting, etc. They seem to be largely Republican and against universal health care and social assistance programs. They will claim that science is "on their side" and then turn around and say God created the earth thousands of years ago in six days.
They largely believe that God creates all life and as such, it is wrong to interfere with the process. Such interterference is not just restricted to abortion whether it be very early or post-viability, but to controlling one's fertility.
They believe that God created this planet and all its resources for man.
I could go on, but perhaps you can see how "identiying with a group" has negative reprecussions for a group like yours.
Case in point Susie, see conversation below from Stanek's blog. Seriously, who besides Christian fundamentalists can identify with this group? They honestly believe that the earth is thousands of years old. And are uninformed enough to think science supports that. And these people homeschool! Oi Vay.
IVF...nice cover. I still suspect you don't like the Octomom and the Gosselins because they're not Christian fanatics who expect wives to roll over--literally--and do whatever the man says. Didn't the Duggars take their kids to the "Creation Museum," which shows humans living alongside dinosaurs and says the Earth is 6,000 years old? It's scary to see that many kids being brainwashed.
Posted by: Ashley Herzog at May 11, 2010 9:09 AM
Kate Gosselin and Octomom used children as possessions. Octomom had herself impregnated with children she couldn't afford or take care of, not thinking at all of the kids. They were possessions to her. Same with Kate Gosselin...I think you can tell from how Kate and Jon act that their children aren't their primary concern. They are narcissistic and put their own selfish desires first.
The Duggars do not. The Duggars are not actively trying to get pregnant but are open to any life NATURALLY created by God in Michelle's womb. They are not narcissistic. They are not on welfare. Thats the difference.
Institute for Creation Research puts out a great magazine called Acts and Facts. Its free. You should read it. It is full of Ph.D's and geneticists and biologists, and geologists and anthropologists and M.D.'s who all discuss how science of the body, science of the earth and the fossil record point to a YOUNG earth and a world wide flood. These are people much more educated than you Ashley. They pull apart the THEORIES of evolution strand by strand.
i think you are the one who is brainwashed Ashley.
Posted by: Sydney M. at May 11, 2010 9:26 AM
I was going to comment but I have four children of my own to brainwash. Later.
Posted by: carla at May 11, 2010 9:43 AM
If you actually believe in a young Earth, I can't deal with you. If you believe that humans coexisted with the dinosaurs, you've been brainwashed.
It's ironic that the Duggars are anti-science and are indoctrinating their kids with religious superstition and creationist hogwash. If they lived in the Christian theocracy they want, there's no way they'd have 19 healthy kids. Here's what their family would look like if we lived in an anti-science theocracy:
Why didn't the Duggars just let God heal Josie instead of relying on all that scientific and medical progress? Isn't God supposed to provide?
I can't deal with this, it's making my head spin. I'm out for the rest of the day.
Posted by: Ashley Herzog at May 11, 2010 9:45 AM
Sydney, great posts! I completely agree with everything you've said.
Carla, lol!
Posted by: bethany at May 11, 2010 10:05 AM
With four of your own to brainwash, I suggest we get to it, girl!! :P
Posted by: carla at May 11, 2010 11:34 AM
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