Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, September 9, 2010

TN Congressional 6th district candidate gives non answer on issue of life

Brett  Carter is running as a Democrat for the TN Congressional 6th District against pro life Diane Black on the Republican ticket. Knowing that he is wanting to represent a pro life district he tries the usual two step around the issue of abortion. It is pretty weak answer. Note he cannot say he is pro life but says he is anti abortion  and then gives the opt out that everyone wants to see fewer abortions. Pretty evasive answer.  The article headline says Carter addresses,economic and moral issues at the meeting. I don't think so...when asked about gay marriage, he does not answer but gives this non answer on the issue of life. He is going to have to do better than that......

"Carter was asked about his stance on moral issues, specifically gay marriage and abortion. While he did not address the former, Carter said he is an anti-abortion Democrat.
He said he believes that people, regardless of political affiliation, want to see fewer abortions regardless of the overall differences in opinion, and that’s how he would approach the issue.
However, Carter said he did not intend to allow irreconcilable viewpoints on moral issues to distract him from his focus on the economy.
“I’m not going to be someone who goes to Washington and makes that the principal focus,” Carter said."
Well I would ask Mr. Carter if you are "anti abortion" will your first vote be for pro abortion Pelosi??

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