by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
Live Action News says the new interactive game “Fusion” (on a website that includes writers like the founding editor of pro-abortion, profane Jezebel) in which players pretend to lead a South Dakota woman through several supposedly real-life scenarios – but they all suggest abortion is the correct answer to the dilemma. Hmm, no agenda there: What if the woman does choose to keep the baby?

If she chooses to have the woman keep the baby, then she either still ends up having the abortion because of a partial placental abruption, or she has the baby and ends up sick, in premature labor, and with mountains of debt.
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life points out that the United Nations – which ignores the “discriminatory killing of female children through sex-selective abortion and infanticide” – has designated March 1st as Zero Discrimination Day. MCCL “implores all nations to… speak out against the denial of health care to the needy and elderly, and to stand up for the disabled who are pushed toward euthanasia and assisted suicide.”
Kansans for Life responds to abortion supporters’ desperate attempts to link a dismemberment abortion bill to miscarriage management:
On the actual issue of SB 95 – the barbarity of dismemberment – we have heard mostly silence from abortion supporters, with an implicit (or explicit) denial that a baby could feel pain at having his or her body demolished one piece at a time.
Do abortion supporters expect that the same public that wholeheartedly supports humane treatment for animals will excuse what happens to a human baby in this kind of abortion?
40 Days for Life discusses fasting (usually less emphasized than prayer), with suggestions for five different forms of fasting in which Christians can participate.
Down on the Pharm shows us how the issue of illegal immigration has become a pro-life issue as the Department of Health and Human Services will begin paying for unaccompanied minors’ abortions. This should help to line the pockets of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.

Kinsey’s distorted and fictional views of human sexuality has had a direct negative impact on the nation’s morality over the past several decades. [Judith] Reisman believes that the releases of this movie is the perfect opportunity for Congress to step in an begin an investigation of Kinsey’s research methods and results. To read Reisman’s full article on her allegations against Kinsey, click here.
Expose Abortion features an interesting quote from pro-choice feminist Naomi Wolf on the pro-life movement’s use of the images of abortion victims:
So what will it be: Wanted fetuses are charming, complex, REM-dreaming little beings whose profile on the sonogram looks just like Daddy, but unwanted ones are mere ‘uterine material’? How can we charge that it is vile and repulsive for pro-lifers to brandish vile and repulsive images if the images are real? To insist that the truth is in poor taste is the very height of hypocrisy.
[Images via pinterest.com and lifesitenews.com]