Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, February 4, 2010

George Bailey Syndrome

Excerpts above from this blog entitled the George Bailey Syndrome really caught my eye, not because it provides encouragement for the pro life movement when it is easy to become discouraged ; but because as the grandmother to two children who were adopted from Russia, it brought tears to my eyes. We may never know all the circumstances why my two grandchildren were spared from abortion; but  this world is a better place because they are here. A profound thank you to the birth mothers....

"In the early 1920s, the Soviet Union became the first country in the world to legalize abortion. Many years later, several studies were conducted to determine how that decision was playing out. To say the least, the findings were stunning."

"One published study discovered that the average Soviet woman would have nine abortions during her child-bearing years. Other research documented that 90 percent of all first pregnancies in the Soviet Union and 60 percent of all subsequent pregnancies were legally aborted. It is also known that, of the remaining pregnancies, many of them ended in illegal or unreported abortions. The result was that, according to one American researcher, in some parts of the Soviet Union women underwent as many as 28 abortions."

"Today, the Russian government is saying that the health consequences of this have been “catastrophic” for that nation’s women. Additionally, economists are predicting that the demographic realities brought on by Russia’s shrinking population will soon cause an economic meltdown. In fact, some demographers are saying that this collapse has already begun.

The Soviet experience with abortion is a prototype for what happens in a country where the abortion lobby is allowed to operate without opposition and, therefore, without restraint. Make no mistake, had it not been for the American pro-life movement, what happened in Russia would have been duplicated in every state of the union. In that case, we would not now be standing on the graves of 50 million dead babies; we would be standing one the graves of 150 million or 250 million or … God only knows how many. Think about that the next time you start to wonder what your blood, sweat and tears have bought."

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