Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, April 15, 2011

Accepting Abundance: "Life" at Planned Parenthood

From Accepting

Friday, April 15, 2011

We went to pray the Rosary led by Bishop McManus in Worcester, and the experience was rather strange. The day before vandals had broken a window at the non-profit crisis pregnancy center across the street and spray painted an arson warning "fire next time" beside an anarchy sign on the building. The crowd of people praying, however, was the epitome of peace and joy amidst what should have felt tense. It was a strange and stark contrast, a bright contrast.

There were students standing in rows dressed sharply in uniform praying out loud along with the bishop and then again with another priest. There were nuns smiling. There were children playing with a dog. There were babies. There were bright balloons with the word "LIFE." There were people of all ages, praying very, very peacefully. And when they weren't praying they were cheerfully but quietly enjoying the company of each other, in spite of the random hateful jeer from observers.

Oddly Planned Parenthood called the police because the bishop and the priest used a microphone to pray and some children ran into the forbidden zone in front of the building...where they kill children. They don't like children at Planned Parenthood.

I expected sadness because abortion is a sad evil, but in spite of the sadness of the act we protest with our mouth and with our heart, there was instead a surreal joy all around. Even the sun was shining brightly. Like I said, strange. With such a formidable and peaceful presence of people praying together for grace and mercy, maybe the the euphoria existed because no one was killed inside Planned Parenthood during that heavenly time. Maybe for a little while there was only LIFE at Planned Parenthood. God have mercy on us.

"Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me:
for the kingdom of heaven is for such." Matthew 19:14

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