Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, June 18, 2010

Common Sense Commentary: No Truce On Abortion Debate

 Amazing, Daniels is not backing away from this statement but per Weekly Standard article is doubling down on it......Well let's see how far this gets him. We are all concerned about the economy but throwing  babies under the bus is not an option.

Scott Hennen  •  June 17, 2010

Let’s “agree to disagree”; that’s the request from Indiana Governor and possible 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitch Daniels,(pictured left) on perhaps the most contentious issue in contemporary American politics: life… and ending it through abortion. Citing economic concerns as the more important challenge, Daniels wants both sides of the aisle to call a “truce” on abortion, at least until we get our financial house in order. But how can you compromise on a fundamentally uncompromising issue?

Should conservatives declare a truce on abortion? That’s the question for today’s Common Sense Caucus. This, after Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels suggested it’s high time we stop defending innocent life and focus on bigger concerns…like the state of the US economy. In his own words,
“I really believe, that for the first time, the future of the American experiment is at risk… I picked the word ‘truce’ because no one has to change their point of view, no one has to surrender.”
In other words, you can still believe in the sanctity of life, but you shouldn’t decide to defend it. At least not in a manner that interferes with the spirit of bipartisanship needed to restore our economy.
So how are we to take Mr. Daniels message? This is no slip of the tongue; it’s a deliberate choice of words attempting to appeal to both sides of the debate. At its best? It’s a feeble plea for you to be silent. At its worst? It’s tantamount to cowardice.
After all, we’re not talking about some marginal issue. This isn’t campaign finance reform, or tax codes; this is a matter of life or death. This is a moral issue, and compromising morality for some misguided notion that leftists will stop the expansion of government because we punted on the most important social issue of our time is a recipe for disaster. As Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Even in this economy, where of course so much is at stake, conservatives will not forfeit their passion to defend innocent life.

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