Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ontario hospital withdraws hydration and nutrition from man not dying but with disability

 This very disturbing report in from Ontario. It is like Terri Schiavo all over again except there is no spouse asking for his death by dehydration rather the govt. deciding that he will never recover enough to have a quality of life and the cost of his care would be too high. And some people want this type of healthcare ??? Can anyone say death panels...

 "Joshua (48), who is not otherwise dying, is being dehydrated to death (euthanasia by omission). This is not a case when hydration and nutrition need to be withdrawn because he is actually dying and nearing death, but rather the decision appears to have been made to intentionally cause his death by withdrawing IV hydration and nutrition probably because he is unlikely to recover from his disability caused by his collapse. From the beginning of his stay in the ICU until now, the doctors have repeatedly asserted that there is no hope of recovery, from a medical point of view, and they have strongly suggested that all life-sustaining treatment be removed.
Joshua has  stabilized and would likely live for many years in this condition. ... has recovered enough to recognize people can speak in short sentences and move his arms and legs and breathe on his own."

"As of August 17th all nutrition and hydration have been removed."

"Everyone needs to strongly respond by sending letters and emails to:
Brampton Civic Hospital - email: or call the Communications Hotline at: 905-494-2120, ext. 22505. 

Consent and Capacity Board of Ontario - email:, Phone: 416-327-4142, Fax: 416-924-8873

The letter should state:
I am disgusted with the decision by the Brampton Civic Hospital, its lawyer, and the physician for (Joshua) Kulendran Mayandi, to intentionally cause his death by removing his IV hydration and nutrition even though he is not otherwise dying (euthanasia by omission). If this decision is not reversed, it will create fear among the citizens of Brampton that if they experience a disability that they too would be killed by dehydration and starvation.

For the sake of justice and equality, I demand that you change your policy and once again continue feeding."

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