Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, September 16, 2010

Call for the spin machine....Natl Reproductive Fed....needs help explaining latest misdeeds of abortion dr.

National Reproductive Federation is in full damage control over the news of MD Stephen Brigham's latest misdeeds.

He has enjoyed doing a lucrative abortion business in NJ, PA, MD and VA until his misdeeds become so blatant as to not ignore. MD for instance, enjoys an A rating from NARAL; they are pleased with their liberal approach to abortion. That is why this Dr.  transported this woman across state lines to MD to complete the abortion. This is what an A gets you. NARAL throws a fit when regulations call for the hallways and doorways to be a certain width...they call this unnecessary and politically motivated but as any regulated  Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center can tell you the reason is quite the gurney can get through when the ambulance comes to haul the patient away.  I know the abortion mills will do anything other than call an ambulance and in this case they put a semi conscious and bleeding woman in the back of a car to take her to the hospital. I guess their defense would be that the gurney would not fit through out doors. Brigham has had his medical license suspended or revoked in five states but he only needed to check out the NARAL grading of states to find where to go next.


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