Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

RIP:Joshua (Kulendran Mayandy)

from Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Yesterday afternoon (September 6), Pastor Joshua (Kulendran Mayandy) passed away at the Brampton (Ontario) Civic Hospital.

We mourn his death, yet his death was not in vain.

The death of Joshua Mayandy represents a wake up call for everyone who believes in the equality and dignity of all human life.

Joshua had fluids and nutrition withheld from him based on a cognitive disability that was caused by a heart attack, where he stopped breathing for several minutes.

Joshua was left without IV fluids, nutrition and medication from August 17 until the SDM agreed to have him fed orally on August 28 by a nurse from his Church. At that time, Joshua was not otherwise dying.

Last week Joshua had a seizure, making it impossible to continue feeding him orally.

You need to protect yourself.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition has distributed several thousand copies of the Life-Protecting Power of Attorney for Personal Care to protect people from these situations. This is a document that is designed to protect you from being dehydrated to death or denied basic care. You can obtain a copy at:

We thank everyone who wrote letters or did anything to attempt to bring justice for Joshua.

We attempted to intervene and had some success. We will be discussing this case and other related cases in order to establish further response.

Alex Schadenberg
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

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