Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

(Prolifer)ations 9-7-10

 from Jill

Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
    We’d like to welcome Secular Pro-Life and Bound4Life to our blogroll, and we welcome more of your recommendations!
  • Mark Crutcher points out the power of the brain to self delude, citing abortionist Richard Grossman, who claimed life begins when a woman decides it begins. Mark counters, “What if there’s a woman who sincerely believes that life doesn’t begin until speech is possible and she kills her 3-month-old daughter. Should she be charged with murder?”
  • ProWomanProLife reports NARAL gives MD an “A” in reproductive rights for late-term abortion, protecting abortionists from legal action, abortions on minors without parental notice, and lack of conscience laws for health care workers. I wonder if that “A” also includes the fact that “MD health officials have ordered two doctors to stop performing abortions after a woman was critically injured during a procedure last month.”
  • Culture Campaign informs readers how China has welcomed an abstinence curriculum created by Focus on the Family. A former Chinese secretary general of media remarked, “Abstinence is good for keeping the families steady and bringing down the divorce rate. And it complies with China’s traditional morals.”

  • Wesley J. Smith points out how the media romanticizes even murder/suicide situations and makes them into “ads” for assisted suicide. He also notes how the upcoming World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 seems to send mixed messages.
    The world only seeks to prevent suicide unless one is terminally ill, disabled, elderly and “tired of life,” a disabled baby in the Netherlands/Belgium, or a person seeking “suicide tourism” in Switzerland.
  • National Pro-Life Radio shines the light on an abstinence study, yet unreleased by HHS. Many speculate that the reason for the delay is because the results “[do] not support the [Obama] administration’s objective… of eliminating all abstinence-education funding.”
  • Bryan Kemper has a contest going for a “Tough Questions” Series he is writing. Click here to see some of the topics already covered.

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