Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

4th timester abortion: Woman leaves newborn to die in the trash

From the Associated Press: “RACINE, Wis. (AP) —

A restaurant manager accused of giving birth in a bathroom and leaving her newborn daughter to die in a trash bin allegedly told police she didn’t know she was pregnant. Breanna Gering was charged Tuesday with first-degree reckless homicide and concealing the death of a child. The Journal Times of Racine reports the 23-year-old Franklin woman was given a $50,000 cash bond and a $50,000 signature bond during her initial court appearance.

The complaint says Gering gave birth Aug. 16 at the Perkins in Racine. It alleges she asked a co-worker for three large trash bags and 10 towels. Gering allegedly put a garbage bag containing the infant, her clothing and soiled towels into a trash bin behind the Westgate Mall. Gering later went to a hospital. Doctors determined she had given birth, but she denied it at first. Authorities say the full-term baby was born alive, but died before police found her. Defense attorney Julius Kim calls it ‘a terrible tragedy’.”

No. The real tragedy is that you put me on that jury and I cannot in all good conscience vote to convict her — not as long as we have a majority on the Supreme Court, a majority in both houses of Congress, and a president of the United States of America who believe abortion not only is legal but a right. Lady Justice wants to call this “first-degree reckless homicide”? Save your sanctimony, sister. Most liberals would be OK with an abortion during her contractions. It took how long to get late-term abortion banned? And President Obama is OK with leaving to die babies who survive abortion.

It’s a fourth trimester abortion. Case dismissed. Jury nullification. Mind you, I have absolutely no use to this woman who killed a precious gift from God. In a humane society, she would be tried convicted and hanged the next day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“How is this different from abortion?” I will tell you!

