Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stand up and write....good letter to the editor that got through the pro abortion gauntlet at the Tennessean

'Abortion' and 'baby' can't be used together

In the article "Early delivery," March 6, before the first five paragraphs were finished, the word "baby" was used four times. Yet in another article on page 4, "Young women boost the ranks of U.S. abortion providers," the term "baby" is never used and for good reason.
The pro-abortion industry knows the word baby and abortion are never to be used in the same sentence. Terms like, "product of conception," "terminating an unwanted pregnancy," "women's reproductive health care," "a woman's right to choose to do with her body" and dehumanizing the baby by calling it a fetus are used to deceive the uneducated public.
Fact is, abortion ends the life of a innocent human being that is totally separate from the mother's body. With only 2 percent of all abortions preformed because of rape, incest and life of the mother, 98 percent of abortions are unnecessary.
Since "both sides can be wrong, but only one side can be right," I'll take my stand with the smallest, weakest and most defenseless of all — the unborn.

Allen Lawrence
Hermitage 37076

My comment to Allen....
Great letter, Allen. You can always tell by the angry replies from the abortion industry that you hit the nail on the head. Words matter and that is why they get so angry when you point out that they deliberately try to use words to dehumanize the baby. All in t he abortion debate realize that abortion kills...that's the point of the procedure to take that which is alive and growing and kill it. What are we killing?? Fetus, sure..Latin word for offspring of young one. embryo...sure a word to describe a stage of development. Just like infant, toddler, teenager, adult, senior citizen. It just is a word to say what season of life we are in.
If abortion does not take the life of an innocent defenseless human being, then no justification is needed but if it does take the life of an innocent defenseless human being, what justification is adequate.
Congratulations on getting a letter through the pro abortion gauntlet of the Tennessean.

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