Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert.
I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .
Victory for Big Abortion: TX judge rules against requiring medically accurate infromation prior to abortion.....
Amazing....that the courts consider it offensive and an attack on free speech to have the doctor give medically accurate information to the patient prior to performing a surgical procedure!! They also say that this will discourage competent doctors from performing abortions leaving it to less skilled practitioners. Earth to judge.....those are the ones out there doing this. The majority of doctors will not do abortions....a survey by Obstetrics and Gynecology report that only 14 % of docs are willing to do abortions.
The Act’s onerous requirements will surely dissuade or prevent many
competent doctors from performing abortions, making it significantly
more difficult for pregnant women to obtain abortions,” Sparks wrote,
according to the Houston Chronicle.
“Forcing pregnant women to receive medical treatment from less-skilled
providers certainly seems to be at odds with ‘protecting the physical
and psychological health and well-being of pregnant women,’ one of the Act’s stated purposes.”
Of course this agenda driven decision will be appealed. Honestly, you can't make this stuff up. Women need to make a life altering decision without medically accurate information about her offspring that is going to die?? Is this America or a bad dream??? How many women say afterwords, I had no idea...they didn't tell me or let me see the ultrasound such as this woman
They do a physical exam and an ultrasound of the baby. I honestly can
say I felt its presence more than ever before, as they performed the
ultrasound. It really made me curious, what did it look like? Me, him?
Was it a girl, a boy? I imagined its little eyes, hands, feet… So I
asked the technician if I could see the baby, and she quickly told me
no. I asked why I wasn’t able to see my baby and she told me that it was
because people were likely to change their mind.
And that's it in a nutshell...changed minds is $$ out the door and not in the coffers. Abortion is big hear Big Pharma....Big Tobacco....well this is Big Abortion.
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