Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Canada: Objections to Catholic school allowing community service credits for attending prayer vigil

I often watch what is happening to our neighbors  to the north.

This  article is discussing the appropriateness of a Catholic  school serving grades K-8 of allowing students to earn community service credits for voluntarily  joining  a prayer vigil  connected with what we know as the 40 Days for Life in the US. This movement  prays   in front of an abortion facility  and is peaceful and lawful. They are not blocking or protesting.

The article acknowledges that the Catholic church opposes abortion but some clearly object to the students exercising their faith in this manner. You remember that Canada has abortion on demand with no limitations and most abortions are paid by the tax payer.
"Christ the King is a funded independent school, which means it receives operating grants from the provincial government at 50 per cent of the per-student rate in Louis Riel School Division, in which the school is located."
So some of the tax money funds even private parochial schools and therefore some  abortion advocates are complaining that this prayer vigil is political.  It is interesting that the country that banned hate speech seems to hate any speech that they do not agree with. 

Several of the comments to this article trash religious expression, religion in general and the fact that these community service credits may help these students get into public universities which they find objectionable. They are some  vitriolic comments against the praying in front of abortion clinics including picketing Catholic schools. Here is a sample.

"Religious education is pure evil. We should be teaching kids, young adults especially, how to think, not what to think."
Here is a picture of what they find so terrible and objectionable.  Maybe the sign that says Jesus forgives and heals is the most objectionable???

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