Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seven Reasons to Boycott the March of Dimes

Some people have called me about March of Dimes since their workplace pushes participation. I always advise against supporting them and would not myself.

By Susan W. Enouen, P.E.

Although pro-lifers have been boycotting the March of Dimes since the 1970's, the general public seems unaware of the boycott and continues to support MOD. To help educate more people on the facts, we have provided a list of seven good reasons for boycotting MOD:

1. Their emphasis on pre-natal diagnosis of birth defects, for which abortion is often the "treatment"

2. Their close ties to the eugenics movement

3. Their support of experimentation on live babies in the womb and on tissue from aborted babies

4. Their support of federally funded embryo-destructive stem cell research and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

5. Their dishonesty in ignoring the connection between prior abortions and premature birth

6. Their grants to Planned Parenthood

7. Their "neutral" stance on abortion, which accepts and encourages abortion by its silence

The March of Dimes is a well-known organization that arrays huge resources for the purpose of reducing the incidence of birth defects. MOD has improved the lives of many by striving to improve prenatal care and by providing treatment to children born with birth defects. This is what the public sees and supports, and it helps MOD to maintain a positive image as it organizes battalions of volunteers to raise money at the grass roots level. However, as our list indicates, there is a lot more going on behind this public face:

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