Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The NAACP and Abortion Politics

Why would a bill that criminalizes abortion motivated by race not have the support of the NAACP? Or, even more perplexing, why would the NAACP endorse such a bill and then rescind its endorsement. Star Parker writes with clarity on this issue here


Anonymous said...

Why would the NCAAP not support it? It seems to me that they recognize that it gives their members less access to abortion than other Americans have. Those supporting the bill repeatedly point out that black women have a disportionate high number of abortions. But what they repeatedly, and convienently, neglect to state is that black women also have a disportionately high number of unintended pregnancies.

As the NCAAP explained:

“At the time, we were of the understanding that this bill would work to benefit the women in our community. However, after many conversations with membership and constituents, we now realize that this is nothing more than using women’s health as a political tool,” he said, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper. “Women of color in Georgia need more than divisive messages and deserve better access to health care.”

Anonymous said...

Power is a strong aphrodisiac. The NAACP does not want to go out of existence. It is their source of income to use their constituents in this way.
