Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, June 17, 2010

Abortion Rate in America by State and Race

JPosted on 16. Jun, 2010 by Nathaniel Bacon in Health, Immigration, Israel & Jewish Issues, Race

Jews have been shown by Social Research to be much more likely to support Abortion than any other American Racial Group. Moreover, they have become legendary for having a disproportionate impact on politics and culture.
For these reasons I decided to do a study to test whether having a larger percentage of Jews in a State correlates with it having a higher Abortion Rate.
First I got the Fraction of Jews by US State from this website:
From the Census I got the equivalent figures on the percentages Non-Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian for all 50 States and the District of Columbia.
I got the Abortion Rate by State here:
Finally, I ran Pearson Correlations on the Abortion Rate of a State and its Racial Composition, and found:
Correlation with AbortionPercent Jewish     +0.764
Percent White        -0.655
Percent Black        +0.537
Percent Hispanic   +0.317
Percent Asian        +0.268
One thing that stands out here is that every race except Non-Hispanic Whites will make a State’s abortion rate go up.
This is consistent with Whites, on average, having a greater ability to plan out for the future than other races do.
The other thing that stands out is, of course, the sheer strength of the positive correlation between Percentage Jewish and the Abortion Rate. A correlation that is remarkably high given that Jews only make up 2.1% of the American Population!
Clearly, it isn’t Jews aborting Jewish babies that is driving this result, there simply aren’t enough Jewish women for that to even be a possibility. Rather it seems more likely that Jews are using their Political and Cultural power in a State to promote Abortion, trying their best to make it as legal and acceptable as possible.
Also it could be that they promote Sexual Hedonism, and then after people fall for the trap of thinking its the “Cool” way to behave they’re left with unwanted pregnancies that end up terminated by abortion.
But here is the thing that is almost incomprehensible. Even though Blacks are widely known to have by far the highest Abortion Rate of any Group, and even though there are almost 5 Times as Many Blacks in America as there are Jews, the Percentage of Jews in a State has a stronger Correlation with the Abortion Rate than the Percentage of Blacks in the State does!
Let me give you a moment to let that sink in. (I think it’s one of the most intense effects relative to cause size discovered in the History of Demographic Research.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously? He's suggesting that Jews are causing high abortion rates? And he argues they aren't doing this by having more abortions (they are having more abortions, but their impact on the overall rate is low because of low Jewish population), but rather by promoting abortion in general. Seriously????

The other thing that stands out is, of course, the sheer strength of the positive correlation between Percentage Jewish and the Abortion Rate. A correlation that is remarkably high given that Jews only make up 2.1% of the American Population!

"Clearly, it isn’t Jews aborting Jewish babies that is driving this result, there simply aren’t enough Jewish women for that to even be a possibility. Rather it seems more likely that Jews are using their Political and Cultural power in a State to promote Abortion, trying their best to make it as legal and acceptable as possible"

Hmmm... How about this theory: I think Christians drive abortion rates higher because there are lots of them and they are just as likely as non-Christians to have an abortion.
