Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Sunday, September 12, 2010

(Prolifer)ations 9-10-10

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

Moral Outcry reports on George Soros and his recent $100M gift to Human Rights Watch, a liberal pro-abortion group. To date, it is the largest political donation ever made by Soros.

Pro-Life Wisconsin discusses NARAL’s unhappiness with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. A week after lauding Planned Parenthood’s 75th birthday, it seems the newspaper published a scathing opinion column which referred to Anne Gaylor, founder of the Women’s Fund (which pays for women’s abortions when they can’t afford them) as “Sweet little old Granny Blood-Money.” Outraged, NARAL encouraged supporters to demand a retraction and apology from the paper. They received neither.

•Andrea Mrozek of ProWomanProLife expresses appreciation for a recent anti-euthanasia editorial in the Montreal Gazette and challenges the editors to use the same logical arguments on behalf of the unborn.

Pro-Life Action League reminds us that 20 years ago, State Sen. Richard Daley was a staunch pro-life politician. After becoming mayor of Chicago, he changed his tune the 1st year. Now announcing his retirement, he will not be missed by the pro-life movement.

Secular Pro-Life believes the term “social justice” is often misused or abused and asks readers how they would define it.

Live Action shares some revelations about prenatal music exposure as related to musical preferences after birth.

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