Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Schizophrenia of pro aborts...private matter or prouldy share with strangers on Twitter

Every now and then it is good to read some of the blogs set up by the activist pro abortion people and try to understand their thought process . One such one is Abortion Gang.

This particular post is about the new phenomenon of tweeting your abortion. This is a sad topic to be sure and it amazes me that people have the need to post their every activity and thought regardless of what they are doing. But this shows the schizophrenic nature of the pro aborts. One one hand, this very site posts that the decision to abort is private and personal and no one including govt. regs are welcome into this most personal decision. But now  they want to show the world how normal it is and nothing to be ashamed of. They also rant  about the pro life side of showing graphic pictures of exactly what abortion dare they! We can tweet about the process of aborting but don't dare show in public what we are doing! Which is it? If it is so normal and nothing to be ashamed of....why not show exactly what is happening here? I just wonder if an abortion dr. would allow someone to come in and film your surgical abortion the way they do births...nah, probably not!  But back to the twitter rama of terminations...
A new twitter account called AbortionReality has just shown up, to take us through the process of obtaining and having an abortion.  (Language alert-they love to shock.) They point out ...

"1 in 3 US women have an abortion sometime in their lifetimes, but it’s not a label worn on the sleeve most of the time." an earlier post on  this site  she talks about picking out a pix to sum up her feelings on the subject to use ...

"When I first made my Twitter I looked online for a while, trying to find the perfect picture that encompassed my thoughts on abortion and settled on this  one. 

 So is it personal or fit for public consumption???? And if the abortion is fit for sharing with the world via twitter....what is wrong with posting pictures of the final product....a dead baby! Private or public...make up your mind.

1 comment:

Sanya ( said...

Oh yeah, if it's personal, why post on twitter? And isn't it like murder? Is murder personal too, according to her?
