Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Saturday, November 6, 2010

OpEd:To deny anyone life is an unspeakable tragedy

Nov. 6, 2010, Tennessee Voices

By Glenda Joy Clark

Glenda Joy Clark
While stand­ing across from the Women’s Cen­ter abor­tion clinic, I couldn’t believe how blue the sky was. Or how the Octo­ber wind felt as it tossed my hair. Or how lovely the songs were that the birds sang in the trees. I felt a famil­iar warmth deep inside my chest that I have come to rec­og­nize as joy.
Not a jumping-up-and-down joy, but the kind that moves around inside me like warm honey. A spon­ta­neous response to the sim­ple plea­sures of what we call life.

Life’s sweet­ness touches us
All I could think of was the sights, smells and sounds of my own life. I have wit­nessed thou­sands of incred­i­ble sun­sets, each one like a rare painting.
I have spent hours and hours watch­ing the ever-changing forms of the white, bil­lowy clouds that dec­o­rate a pris­tine blue sky.
For how many birds have I paused to hear their songs of joy? Thou­sands! I have felt the cool, wet grass of a hun­dred sum­mer morn­ings on my bare feet.
I have breathed in the invig­o­rat­ing aroma of an unex­pected spring rain and felt its refresh­ing drops fall softly on my face.
I have danced in the rain and stomped in pud­dles. I have been ren­dered speech­less by the pro­found won­der — and awe­some silence — of a sud­den snow­storm so many times I can­not count them.
On occa­sions with­out num­ber, I have seen the majesty of light­ning and found myself star­tled at the sheer power of thun­der.
But on this day, I stand qui­etly with oth­ers, most of whom I do not know.
We all stand: some in silence, and some pac­ing like fathers in a wait­ing room. We wait while hop­ing and pray­ing that some bar­rier will prove an insur­mount­able obsta­cle to the plans of the day. A thought. A dream. A word.
Or maybe the color of the azure sky will shout or the wind will blow away the clouds from a clouded mind, or the birds will sing a song about the exquis­ite beauty of life that the wind will inter­pret to a lis­ten­ing ear.
I have been around awhile and learned many lessons. But while stand­ing across from that facil­ity, I real­ized one stood out fore­most in my mind among many others:
Life is good. Even in its bit­ter moments, the sweet­ness of life lingers still.
To deny any­one the multi-faceted delight of what it means to live is, for me, an unspeak­able loss.
Glenda Joy Clark, a pho­tog­ra­pher and owner of Restore Won­der, lives in Goodlettsville.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen, Glenda! Thank you for speaking out on behalf of so many tiny voices that cannot. Life is precious and I pray that more people will look at pregnancy as a blessing and not an illness that they can try and cure. God bless you and your courage to stand up for what is right!
