Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tennessean supports use of graphic images to educate about smoking...what about abortion then?

How interesting  that Dwight Lewis, manager of the Editorial Board for  the abortion supporting Tennessean  should use his premier space to support the use of graphic images about what smoking does to you. I am not a smoker and agree that you should not smoke. I also agree that verbiage on cigarette packages have not done the job. So they want to use graphic images. Go for it! The images are true and truth is always in good taste. But I laugh at the hypocrisy that Dwight Lewis and Kathleen Sebelius display. They are both abortion supporters and disagree with the use of graphic  and TRUE images of abortion.  Have you ever seen an abortion? Not too pretty. But their  argument would be  to deny the humanity of the pre born. Science is proving them wrong everyday but why should  facts to interfere with their abortion advocacy.

"As a result, one year ago the Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion was given author­ity to reg­u­late tobacco prod­ucts. Since the ver­bal warn­ings on cig­a­rette packs and adver­tis­ing that have been in use for more than 25 years haven’t been suf­fi­cient, the agency recently announced that in 2012 it will require graphic images and warn­ings instead."

"They will include pic­tures of a dis­eased lung or a man smok­ing a cig­a­rette through a tra­cheotomy tube. It’s an unfor­tu­nate but appar­ently nec­es­sary step to ensure peo­ple get the mes­sage across that smok­ing causes seri­ous health prob­lems and death, and it’s never too late to quit."

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