Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Politico: Recognizes the fight the abortion industry does not want to take on.....

Politico has a news story showing the abortion industry is full of bluster but do not necessarily want to go to court to fight because they are not so sure of the outcome. Tough to be a pro abort with the new state laws and scientific evidence coming at them from every direction. They can holler all they want but the wave of elected officials in the state are overwhelmingly pro life. Now they are just stuck with saying, hey what about the jobs....why are we talking about this? When you are wrong on the issue, change the subject to the economy.
From the article:

But the turf of abortion opponents is growing. A wave of Republicans coming into office have made state legislatures more amenable to restrictions, with governors signing laws that previously languished in committee. The number of anti-abortion governors rose from 21 to 29 in the past election, according to a NARAL Pro-Choice America analysis. The number of states with fully anti-abortion governments — where the governor and the legislature find themselves on the same side of the issue — increased from 10 to 15.
Experts who study the Supreme Court and abortion politics concur that, at the high court, abortion rights supporters are not necessarily in a safe place.

Even the reporters supporting the abortion industry try with their terminology calling us anti choice and them abortion rights supporters are losing the PR battle as the people just  don't buy it. They look at ultra sound pictures and the medical evidence and rightly discern that this is a human baby being killed and why are we doing this?

The abortion industry is just not sure of the votes in the Supreme Court. They are nervous over Kennedy and even their darling Ginsburg has publicly said that Roe Vs. Wade went too far. Then we have people like Abby Johnson who defected from Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year to a pro life activist who  as they say "knows where the bodies are buried."  Yuk,  that play on words is oh so appropriate.
It is not a good time to be pro abortion.

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