from Jill

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- At National Review, Kathryn Jean Lopez has an interview with new National Right to Life Committee president Carol Tobias.
- American Life League discusses the shocking discovery that Senomyx Biotechnology – which produces flavor enhancers for Nestle, PepsiCo, Cadbury Adams LLC (a Kraft company) and Solae – uses aborted fetal cells. A pro-life group contacted partnering companies, and only Campbell’s Soup said they would cease to do business with Senomyx.
- ProLifeNZ spotlights the book A Gift of Time, which encourages couples faced with terminal prenatal diagnoses to continue their pregnancies.
- The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition decries the fact that UK high school students have received videos on “Philip Nitschke’s ‘death machine’, explanations on how it works and footage from his workshops explaining his other suicide methods.” With such high drama and emotions in the lives of teens, the last thing you would want is to introduce them to methods of suicide.
- FRC Blog notes the importance of electing pro-life governors along with pro-life senators and reps. Montana currently has a governor who has vetoed pro-life legislation overwhelmingly passed by both the House and Senate, and overriding a veto proves difficult when even “pro-life” Dems decide to change their votes.
- ProLifeBlogs posts a blog from Deacon for Life which reports the upcoming Catholics for Choice workshop is set to be hosted by Planned Parenthood.
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