Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Memphis Commercial Appeal: Republicans wanting to send tax $$ to health dept. instead of PP want to duct tape women's legs together!!

Wendi C. Thomas writes a column for the liberal Commercial Appeal  that is so ridiculous that many readers spoke for me when  they questioned how this could ever make it into print even in the Commercial Appeal. 

She rails about the state legislature wanting to send Title X monies  to the county health dept. instead of her pal Planned Parenthood. She goes on to suggest  Republicans in control want to duct tape women's legs together as a form of birth control. She is hysterical that the infamous Planned Parenthood of Memphis  ( remember them starring in the sting operation of Live Action covering up statutory rape) might be robbed of a quarter of their $3MM annual budget.

The abortion friendly health dept. says they cannot handle another anyone sending them $750,000....they don't have the capacity.  Shelby county is known for the high rate of teen pregnancies, STI's and infant mortality rate. Still the  county's health dept. thinks it a good idea  to outsource this $$ to an organization that shows  nothing but failure.

Her hysterical rant did not impress  the readers of the CA as most of the comments took her to task. One letter from a reader sums it up well. Why keep sending tax money to a failed program?  Isn't that the definition of insanity...

Letter to the Editor:

Wendi C. Thomas uses her May 8 column to carp about those of us who would like to see Planned Parenthood defunded.
So how is it that after the millions of tax dollars Planned Parenthood has collected in the last 50 years, the millions of dollars it has spent in so-called health care services, the millions of women it has "served," nothing ever gets better?
In Memphis, STDs are still out of control, unplanned pregnancy is epidemic and the infant mortality problem "bests those of many developing nations." Planned Parenthood has obviously failed at what it says its purposes are. Its programs have failed miserably for those it "serves," but its programs have certainly been successful in lining Planned Parenthood's pockets.
Indeed, all their efforts have accomplished is a guarantee of their part of the 9,000-plus abortions that happen in Shelby County every year with the fees they represent and more millions to them at the taxpayers' expense.
Yet every time they are in jeopardy of losing a cent of public money, Planned Parenthood screams that without them all hell will break loose. "Hundreds of women will be turned away." STDs and HIV will spin out of control! Women will be forced to have 10 babies before they are 30 years old! Teenagers won't be able to get "protection" so they won't get pregnant! Really?
We can do without Planned Parenthood entirely. Many local Christian-based health care providers offer STD testing and treatment, help in preventing unplanned pregnancy, and give prenatal care to prevent infant mortality, along with many other women's health care services. They do it at no cost to the patient and without expecting taxpayers who don't agree with them to pay up anyway. They do everything Planned Parenthood does except abortions.

No matter what Thomas says, that is really what it is all about. Protecting abortion.
Planned Parenthood's failure is all around us. Enough already. 

Karen McNeil

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