Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Two videos with a product to is selling Pampers and the other abortions

Two selling Pampers and showing customers of Pampers and stating regardless of the circumstances   surrounding the conception....this life is precious....the second selling abortions...trying to normalize the "procedure" and humanize it by stating how many women are getting abortions....with a plug for taxpayer abortions at the end. ....they use graphics instead of pics of the dismembered babies.... understandable.


Christina Dunigan said...

The AGI piece is overall an admission of failure. If their "prevention" campaigns worked, there wouldn't be so many abortions, period. There's be FEWER in poor neighborhoods were Planned Parenthoods are ubiquitous.

They're bragging that they've turned the US into a nation of casual aborters. They're advertising that they have absolutely no shame, and that their goal is for all women to share their appalling shamelessness.

Anonymous said...

"If their "prevention" campaigns worked, there wouldn't be so many abortions, period."

The problem isn't casual aborters so much as casual contraceptors Christina. Somehow this country needs to teach young people that it is EXPECTED that they use BC properly and consistently if they are going to have sex and do not intend to be pregnant. Other countries, particularly those with a more open and accepting attitude toward young and unmarried sex, do a much better job of this. We could learn from them.

Another issue here is poverty and a perceived (?) lack of opportunity in education and employment for some people.

Susie Allen said...

I have traveled abroad and it is hard to imagine a country that is more open to young and unmarried sex than the USA. After all contraceptives are freely given out to young girls/guys with no parental notice. As for the poverty comment, health depts. located in poverty areas hand out bc freely as well. Even adults become lax with bc so is it surprising that young people are careless?

Anonymous said...

Susie, I goes you've never been to many countries in Europe, particularly Scandanavia.

And don't confuse having a progressive organization like Planned Parenthood with widespread acceptance of teen sex. You think parents here accept that vast majority of young people have sex before marriage ( and have been for decades) and express to their children the expectation that they always use birth control if they are going to have sex. I don't think so.

You misunderstood my poverty comment. What I meant was a lack of ( or perceived lack of?) education and employment opportunities is partly to blame for increased teen pregnancy rates in the poor. If they had plans and goals for their future they wouldn't be so lax with BC.
