Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Abby Johnson: Gallows humor used to survive the everyday horrors...

Gallows humor....have you ever used it to get through the day when you worked around unpleasant things? I used to be a child welfare caseworker where I  specialized in sex and physical abuse. A tough subject for sure. Sometimes gallows humor helped us relieve the tension. Policeman often practice it as they see the worst of humanity everyday. So this article from former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson is not surprising. If you work in an industry that profits from killing innocent defenseless human keep your indulge in gallows humor.  Abby tells of the pass code to the phone system was 2229 which spelled out BABY. They referred to the freezer that held the fetal remains until the bio hazard truck came as the nursery. They joked about the fetal remains looking like barbecue or strawberry jam. When a pro life ministry moved into the neighborhood they joked about sending them cookies in the shape of a baby with red icing for the blood as a welcome to the neighborhood gift. 

 Sick humor....gallows humor....dark humor.  It is what they had to use to cover up the horror of what they did everyday. I imagine the Nazis used it to cover the horrors of the execution of millions of Jews, gypsies and homosexuals. This shows they know what they are doing  but they have to hide under a shell of indifference. As 40 Days for Life approaches let us pray that the shell will dissolve as it did for Abby and many will have  the strength to walk away and say NO MORE. Pray for the abortion employees. We have all had the problem of being desensitized to the sin that besets us. Pray for sensitivity to convict so that repentance and healing can come next. As it has for the workers that are walking out of the industry everyday. 

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