from Jill

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- Secular Pro-Life writes that the CEO of Sir Richard’s
condom company intends to donate one condom to a developing country for
each condom purchased because “if everyone bought our condoms, we could
really change the world.” SPL says:
According to the CDC, while condoms are highly effective at preventing HIV transmission, the typical use failure rate for condoms as a contraceptive is a dismal eighteen percent. People often fail to make that distinction, and therefore do not appreciate the chances of pregnancy as fully as they should. No doubt that misunderstanding will be magnified in a region that has little in the way of healthcare access and sex education.

- Reflections of a Paralytic shares a Guttmacher graphic (pictured left; click to enlarge) on the “unmet need” for contraceptives in the developing world, which actually shows that women in developing countries do not report lack of access as their primary reason for not using contraception.
- ProLife NZ has a must-read on the dehumanization infiltrating embryology today. According to Princeton biology professor Lee Silver:
The term pre-embryo has been embraced wholeheartedly by IVF practitioners for reasons that are political, not scientific. The new term is used to provide the illusion that there is something profoundly different between a six-day-old embryo and a sixteen-day-old embryo. The term is useful in the political arena—where decisions are made about whether to allow early embryo experimentation — as well as in the confines of a doctor’s office where it can be used to allay moral concerns that might be expressed by IVF patients.

- Down on the Pharm speaks of billionaire Bill Gates’ wife Melinda (pictured right), who is working with the pro-abortion arm of the United Nations at the Women Deliver Conference
to raise money (despite her own personal wealth) to bring birth control
to the under-developed countries of the world. Her selection of
trainers is questionable: infanticide proponent Peter Singer and LeRoy Carhart, whose nurses and clinic (which “has eight pages of failures listed on its last state inspection”) are both substandard.
LifeNews adds:
Although Gates, a self-professed Catholic, declared at the London [2012] summit that the [reproductive healthcare] initiative was “not about abortion… not about population control,” her remarks were belied by the lineup of premiere global abortion and population control advocacy agencies in attendance…. - Priests for Life features Kevin Burke’s blog, which notes the link between child sexual abuse and post-abortive men:
I encountered a number of men on Rachel’s Vineyard healing programs who had a history of previous abuse and were involved in an abortion decision.As they explored that abortion decision they shared a powerful sense that they abandoned their unborn child when they were vulnerable… just as they were hurt when vulnerable and defenseless children. These men felt they allowed their unborn child[ren] to be abused by the abortion procedure.

- The Passionate Pro-Lifer updates us on Colorado’s tolerance and leniency for serial child rapists like William Costello (pictured left), who was also charged almost a year ago with assaulting an elderly pro-life man who was collecting signatures for a personhood petition. Costello remains out on bail. PPL attended his preliminary hearing on charges that he raped three females – one being a 13-year-old girl, stating, “The details I heard in the preliminary hearing are so graphic they can’t be shared here.”
- Pro-Life Action League announces the observance of the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on September 14:
The observance will be marked by simultaneous memorial services in cities from coast to coast at gravesites of aborted babies. This is the first time in the history of legalized abortion that such nationwide memorials will be conducted and thousands of people from across the country are expected to participate.Organizers may be needed in your area.
- Pro-Life Wisconsin shares an eye-opening video entitled, “You Deserve to Know the Truth about Contraception”: