Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Abortion as a religious freedom issue

Okay, don't tell me infanticide is the next Fr. Frank Pravone calls it fourth trimester abortion. The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is scary enough...Now Carhart calls abortion and infanticide a religious freedom issue. Peter Singer already has said that the parents should have up to 30 days following birth to check out the child and see if they want him/her(sorta like buyer's remorse, I guess) and decide to terminate if the child has defects. (Like a warranty?) Destroy don't fix. You know with rationed healthcare coming our way this does not sound so extreme, does it?

This is what LeRoy Carhart said at the memorial service for George Tiller. Carhart is another late term abortionist. Read the full article here.

Speaking earlier at an afternoon news conference organized by the coalition, which encompasses 40 denominations and religious groups, he said the matter of whether to have a child is "a religious freedom issue" that revolves around a woman's right to decide according to her beliefs whether to bear a child, he said.

"God gave that fetus a 'guardian ad litem' when he chose the mother that fetus is born with," he said. "That mother, I feel, has been charged by God to make the right choices for that child during its unborn and early born years."

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