Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Would you tweet about your abortion???

I must admit that I cannot fall in love with Twitter. I think we will all forget how to spell.  Also, it is strange that people feel the need to tell every thought on their mind at all moments of the day and night.  Usually  they are not all that interesting. I also heard there is a website called that broadcasts it out to the world when you tweet that you are away from home.  Some use it as a  tool to shock or as a subtle cry for help. Such is Angie,  who is in the process of tweeting  about her chemical abortion that is in process. Her tweets are full of TMI and vulgarity.  There is a certain magical power in  thinking that people you don't know and will never meet are following your sad life. It also says something about us as we follow this sick story. Like a car can't turn away. Most will think she is such a mixed up person what kind of a mother would she make. Well she is a mother who made a choice and now this baby does not have a chance. I see this as a subtle cry for attention and help.
Another thought is these girls constantly talk about how badly they are treated by their BF's aka  boyfriends, yet they never consider not sleeping with them.  How sad

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