Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Knoxville abortion ad acknowledges ceorcion does takes place.......

"They have ridiculous civil penalties that they put on this that are just absolutely for no other purpose but to intimidate people that are trying to help people that are in the process of trying to have an abortion. To the best of my knowledge, it is still the law of this land that you can legally have an abortion."  This was a quote from
Senator Beverly Marrero (D) Memphis, one of the two senators who voted against the Freedom from Coercion bill in the TN legislature. Read the back story of this bill here.

She also questioned the Senator bringing the bill about his report that over 60% of the women having abortions reported experiencing coercion. She definitely was a skeptic that coercion was even taking place.

Perhaps she needs to read this advertisement for the Knoxville abortion facility and focus on the quote below.

"Some women feel pressured or coerced into choosing abortion, and when this happens, post-abortion conflict can arise. Our staff will help you work through these conflicts by providing you with honest information, practical skills, compassion, and support. "

What coercion! I thought it was just helping people through the process of trying to have an abortion! 
Instead of offering post abortion counseling, how about not aborting....what a novel thought!  When a woman says NO, her word should be final. There is no conflict to work through...she said NO.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed the following also posted on the Knoxville abortion center's ad:'Women who are troubled by an unplanned pregnancy may benefit from decision-making counseling, a non-directive approach designed to help an individual evaluate all of her options - parenting, adoption, and abortion - and to help her make the choice that is right for her. For those who choose abortion, individual counseling is provided to discuss the decision, identify the patient's feelings and conflicts, and to explore resources available for emotional support. At the patient's request, parents, partners, or friends may be included in the counseling process. For women who desire it, post-abortion counseling is also available.
It would appear that they're magnanimous enough to "counsel" a woman to "help her make the choice that's right for her." However, only further help/counseling is mentioned if she chooses abortion. What, if anything, do they do if she decides to parent or make an adoption plan? At that point, it would seem further counseling" would be in order to "help her make the choice that's right for her" since she didn't have enough sense to make the right one the first time! Yes, I know for a fact coercion happens, since my son's girlfriend told me her ex-husband forced (her word) her to have not one, but TWO abortions while they were married. I could cite plenty of other instances to go along with hers as well.
