Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Monday, May 24, 2010

Abortion as a way out of paying child support??

Have women lost their minds...why would they date someone like this? I am referring to article from Elle...Parent Trap ....Parental Right and Abortion. 

This man withholds sex from girlfriend until she makes a pact that if bc fails and she gets pregnant that she will have an abortion with no whining or waffling about it like the last abortion she did at his urging to the point that she says....... had he not been standing next to me on the table,  I would not have gone through with it. Talk about coercion and the obviously some Dr. cooperated with that. Well you guessed it ......despite said pact...she did get pregnant but when she viewed the ultrasound she changed her mind and informed bf that she was not aborting....he was furious and volunteered to become the poster boy for male reproductive rights. He believes that men should not have to support children they did not want.

Talk about selfishness..this man is the poster boy for selfishness and confusion as he states he longs for family and is experiencing “civil war between two conflicting parts of my soul." You just want to shake both of them and say grow up....but in interesting turn  she has a baby girl that he now voluntarily supports and they are going to couples counseling...wonder if he would have liked the child he had aborted. Oh well, it is all about him that's for sure.

Photo: Getty Images

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