Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shanghai's own version of live birth abortion.....why would POTUS have a pbl. with such a country

I had never heard of "live birth abortions" before 2002 when our local RTL chapter booked Jill Stanek to come and tell her story. I remember taking her to a local radio talk show in Nashville to publicize her appearance. One of the callers said she worked at a well known hospital in Nashville and that very thing was going on there under the radar. Here I was active in the pro life movement and I had no idea that babies who manage to survive abortions were set aside to die like trash. Amazing. Jill recently told about talking to fellow nurses on one of her speaking tour and the nurses telling her that doctors tell nurses to give such babies an apgar score of 0/0 when that is not the case. Okay, now we have the story from the Shanghai Times on May 14, 2010 of an aborted baby crying  just before cremation and being sent back to the hospital. The article states that the baby was left in the lobby until they were certain of death and sent back to the crematory. It does not state whether any medical attention was given to saving the life of the baby but indicates that the answer is no.

At first I thought and this is the country that our administration is apologizing to for "our" human rights issues! Shocking! But then let's remember what Obama's response was to this very issue as a state senator in IL. He strongly opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and spoke against it from the floor. How cold! Of course our friend Jill Stanek exposed it at Christ Hospital in Oak  Lawn , IL. This is a hospital jointly owned by the United Church of Christ (Obama's claimed denomination) and Evangelical Lutheran Church of American...two pro choice denominations. Obama's infamous pastor once was on the board of directors but that is all an aside and most of you know the story quite well. If you don't check out Jill and read up on it. Fascinating. But let's get back to the point. Why should I be surprised that our own President would have an administration that apologizes to a country that practices forced abortions and numerous human rights violation for a new law  in AZ . This is a man that supports infanticide and abortion on demand  and sees partial birth abortion as only a medical procedure. The sad truth is that he thinks more like the Chinese govt. than   we can imagine. 

Picture from

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