Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, July 23, 2010

Advice wanted from strangers on life and death decisions........

This question was posted on one of those websites that you can post your question anonymously and get advice from strangers. Pretty serious question involving life and death got me to wondering about where we have come as a society. We do not know or speak to our next door neighbor but we go online and speak to strangers halfway across the world and tell them our deepest secrets.....we use Twitter and Facebook to communicate when we won't talk to our spouse about our issues.

But back to this sad! Most of the answers affirm that we are by nature self centered and no one has to teach us this trait. It is all about us and if others get hurt by our decisions, so be it. Most of us learn the hard way when we pick up the broken pieces. This girl is not seeking advice from trusted advisers of the past such as parents or clergy......most of the answers are politically is all about what you FEEL......nothing about what is the right thing to what you want to do, what you can live one focused on what is the right thing for the child who is the only innocent person here.

"I just found out that I am pregnant! About 7 weeks! I was in a relationship with my long term bf that we were planning on getting married. We broke up 3 weeks ago. And I guess the stress from that made me completely forget about a period. We have talked about it many times since I've found out 2 days ago. And we are thinking about abortion. We realize that we were not a good team and having a baby is BIG! But so is abortion! And I don't know if I could live with knowing what I have done. But I have 7 years left of college and he has 6. So thinking of it that way, this stands in the way of my goals. So I'm leaning toward it. But I think that its just selfish. Not to mention he is strongly pushing for abortion!"

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